Saturday, May 5, 2012

Weight fact:Recovery of the body after exercise

Recovery of the body after exercise

When heavy physical effort the body desires to help in restoring power.
This is true of not only hard coaching - frequently folk get a physical and scared exhaustion at work. Remember that you will need not only to revive muscle and nerve system. Follow health and achieve more in life and in coaching! These are some tools that I propose to use for recovery under great physical and psychological stress :

A. Bath and sauna

When I examined the coaching of Soviet weightlifters, I discovered fascinating coaching plans, which have recently been included in the room, weekly workout plan, it was devoted to a single day, and was written "Thursday - regenerative procedures - a bath." That is how prepared pro sportsmen. Bath and sauna - is well known folks cure, but many have forgotten about it, or permanently somewhere in a rush and don't concentrate on the health and recovery of the body. I adore this sort of muscle recovery and everytime come out of the bath with a replenished and refreshed body! If, for medical reasons such procedures aren't contraindicated for you, try and visit a bath or a sauna, particularly in the cooler times of the year. You aren't only great to revive the muscles, but at the very same time will wash

2 . Vitamins, Fruits At high activity, eat more fruit and take as well as eating vitamin-mineral complicated. It increases endurance and speed recovery from stress.

Take your fave fruit with you to work, to college, to coach.

3 . Helpful Libation Drink more water - the bedrock of life. Drink fresh water as well as fruit drinks from the berries, cocoa and delicious drinks. Recipes, refer to the work "How to cook healthy and sports drinks" four. A warm shower A warm shower to help relax the muscles after a tough workout, relieve "Trapped" and increase circulation. Thus , the restoration will be better. Try a tad longer to sit under a warm shower and relax, take some time, a good soak your muscles and massage them with water.

Shower as well to help bounce back from a busy day.

5 .Water treatments - pool, tempering Water - a handy tool for recovery of the muscles and nerve system. If your sports club has a pool, a swim after a session. You cannot even swim, but just "dive into the water" for 5-10 minutes, it is fantastic mitigates stress from the body. Don't forget about toughening - that you improve blood flow and health, and the body will be stronger, and you'll achieve more in coaching. To be told how to do it properly, read the document "Hardening ".

Massage Services of a pro massage specialist aren't inexpensive, but it's an investment in your fitness. Massage helps to revive not simply the muscles but the nerve system. I would recommend to take a massage course of 10-12 sessions ( done in a day ), at least a pair times ever year, or a massage once each week fairly frequently , for example on weekends. If you can not use the services of massage, do massage alone. Back you actually doesn't pomassiruete, but the muscles of feet and hands is sort of feasible to mash. Even better ask your girl / man of the night to stretch your muscles that you trained. It is going to be nice and useful One of the finest massage is an easy olive oil! Sold in food store stores, and excellent for the skin. You need to use the WARMING creams with natural substances ( for example, balm, "Dr.

Mom" )

seven. Relax while lying on your back Lie on your back ( podstelit soft mat ), leg lift on a little height, put a pillow under the calf. Hands are relaxed along the body. Shut your peepers and psychologically review the whole body from the toes to the crown. Find tense muscles and relax them. Begin with the feet, relax your feet, then legs and hips, bum, then rise up above, relax the back, stomach, chest and shoulders, then arms, neck and face. Again, check the whole body psychologically and absolutely relax. The room should be warm when cool, then cover yourself with a blanket advance. Rest for 10-20 minutes and you will get up a new man The second option - all the same, but put his hands over his eyes with his hands. This option removes fatigue from his head and eyes. So be certain to revive the eye, if you're employed a lot with your personal computer.

8 . Walking in the park, and respiring exercises You need to use an active walking or cycling, or light jogging - but always in the fresh unpolluted air. Your task is to "exist a" fill the blood and oxygen to the muscles.

If you're using the race as a method of recovery, don't let the heavy load. Leave 15-30 minutes so you could and easily. Straightforward running mitigates stress and anxiety of the nerve system, so you warm up the muscles, you may drive away the blood on them, potreniruetes heart. Running - it's an awfully helpful exercise. Nonetheless if your goal - a collection of muscle, you don't run too frequently, once per week will serve.

If you'd like to plug the relief of muscle, then you can run more, and for weight reduction and fat consuming running - this is the best cure. I suggest reading the work "Overtraining ".


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