Saturday, May 5, 2012



Let us take a look at the medical facts :
A. Smoking harms blood flow, particularly in the feet and hands. Therefore , the power of the muscles is damaged, and they receive less oxygen, energy, protein and vitamins, and so do worse and can even shrink.

2 . Smoking clogs the lungs and influences their performance and gas exchange. Therefore , worsening oxygen supply of the muscles and the entire organism. Worst of waste derived materials. Considerably can lower the endurance and reduced the rate of muscle recovery after stress. With an absence of oxygen and accumulation of poisons, the metabolism.
3 .
During smoking, thru the lungs into the blood vessels, poisons get. Thus , there's a poisoning of the body, and he's made to spend the forces on the development of muscles, and to neutralise the poisons.

Four. Remember the heart - is also a muscle! Furthermore , the heart muscle is noticeably affected by the decay of blood flow and absence of oxygen. 5 . Written on gasper packs - Ministry of Health warns It's not written for beauty and not to frighten you, but because it's very nasty.

Conclusions :
A. The development of physical performance is dependent on the state of health.

2 . If you have got a lot of smoke, the answer is not difficult - smoking damages exercise performance, muscular augmentation slows down and decreases endurance, seriously mars blood flow and may cause illness.
3 . If you smoke a little ( 1-2 cigarettes every day ), not to say this will stop the expansion of muscle ... But ... It is a minus on the scales. They started to train correctly - this is an additional benefit slaked steel - this is an extra plus started to eat - that is an extra do good work - this is a bonus Respiring exhaust smoke is a minus, you don't know the measure of alcohol is a minus, minus the cig is ... Incidentally, I know folk who've stopped smoking, beginning exercise, they just modified the concerns, perspectives and new life-goal. Of course, sports makes an individual better Movement - this is life! Start to play sports, run, tempered, do gymnastics for some considerable time and you save the youth, strength and beauty. Read articles about toughening and jogging BTW all the above applies not only to cigarettes, and shisha and exhaust smoke in traffic blockages ...

Try and go to the park more frequently to clear the lungs and the body crammed with the power of Mother Nature, and you will feel miles better! Chums , get pleasure from the proven fact that you are respiring fresh air with the hint of the forest, sea, rain and dew.


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