Saturday, May 5, 2012

Weight fact:DO i get fat, then i stop SPORT?


There's an opinion that if an individual is actively engaged in sports, and then throws it seriously put on weight. Often folks look at how I train hard, and then say - "But when you are done taking part in sports, you rack the weight and rastolsteesh and muscles turn to fat" ... It is extraordinarily dubious and inaccurate statement. I understand that anything can come up with, not to take part in sports ... Muscles can not turn into fat tissue is dissimilar, with different composition and different jobs.

"The Metamorphism " one to another - an opinion beginners. What's the account of "getting fat" - yes, it occurs, but let's see why it can add weight and a fault in this sport. BTW, I had periods when I couldn't play sports ... And ... This time I lost pounds Here are the key reasons behind weight gain, if an individual throws a sharpened sports :

The natural inclination to put on weight.

Maybe this person had an inclination to add weight and weight gain. While he played sports, was an active life and spent calories, his body was taut, but when he gave up sports, it steadily returned to its "wrong" track. So , in contrast sports helped him to be in fine condition. Movement - this is life! Don't stop!

2 . The habit is a good deal.

When an individual is actively engaged in sports, it improves the appetite. This is an ordinary, healthy reaction. But if he throws the game, and eat from habit, still a great deal, it can cause fullness. This is especially so of those sportsmen that are especially "gorge on weight." Keep a balance between the arrival and discharge. If you move a bit then too much food will lead directly to body weight problems and prior exercise has zip to do with it. To the contrary, powerful muscles, which can give you the game is a good shopper of calories. If you're moving a little - follow nutritional limitations!
3 .
The age factor.

Many individuals have deteriorated with age, metabolism and add weight ( not all ). Nonetheless lots in the youth concerned in sports, but "with age" and drop fat. But with age, large they'd get picked up in any fashion ... We just need to deal with the coincidence in time.

And the sporting activities in his youth, doubtless even delayed the event. If they don't seem to be throwing sports, it might have stayed in fine condition.

Four. Utilising the "chemistry" ( hormones, anabolic steroids )
Some sportsmen to quickly achieve the most satisfactory results are starting to use steroids and hormones. Over the course of time this violates the activity of interior organs, including the hormonal glands. Naturally can considerably upset metabolism and in future times it could also lead directly to the fullness and to heart problems and other disorders. Don't use this chemistry - is engaged in a clean sport.

Therefore after consideration of the phenomenon from different angles, we see that anyway, sports isn't the cause weight gain. And to the contrary sport helps to improve standard of life and lengthen youth. And what's surprising - folks taking part in sports look great, and when it throws small moves, and spends his time sitting on the settee with a lager, he's putting on weight ... What's the responsibility of sports?

Let's return to the first sentence : "That's when you are done taking part in sports, you ... Stop! ... And with what did you find that I am going to give up sports? ! Well, where do folks in the heads of such a wrong stereotype that "sport is for the young ..." I'm going to say the opposite is true - so long as you are moving you are young! Lately , with me in the hall of the coaching fascinating person - medium height, weighing about seventy kg ... "Uncle Sasha," as he introduced himself to me ... He's doing pull 130 kg barbell and then do squats with a barbell on your shoulders, which weighed one hundred kg. ! Uncle Sasha is seventy five years of age BTW ... Call him "grandpa" or "old man" just don't dare ...

It's pretty neat, but the primary eyes - the eyes of a youngster, dynamic, contented, funny and has maintained a zest for life! When we chatted in the locker room, he let me know that he adores skiing and is actively engaged in this each season. And now look at lots of folks aged 30-40 years ... Then on the "Uncle Sasha" and let me know - who are younger? That is it ... Incidentally, he isn't a pro sportsman, he hasn't ever used chemicals, but all his life one or two times each week for sports ... That is the full secret.


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